I remind women of their wholeness, their magnificence, and their True Power.

Life is supposed to be creative, and full of joy!


If it's not.... let me be the friend I said I would be to you... I will remind you of the gifts within you and show you how to access them.

And then teach you how to get it back... to tap your true potential,

And be the true creator you came here to be...

  My true purpose is watching women remember their true nature, connect with it, tap the creative flow, the infinite potential that is their true nature, and live the life they came here to. There is no greater gift than to watch someone who believes life is happening to her remember that everything is actually happening for her and become the powerful creator she truly is!

Wanna know the superpower?


My ability to my superpower.

What you can't see for yourselves! We shine a light on the unconscious systems that are running your lives so YOU can allow your superpowers to shine and contribute!!